Permanent Staffing
Hiring permanent professionals requires additional consideration than simply matching acronyms on a job description with those on a resume.
Flexible Staffing
We provide our clients with skilled manpower on contract for short and long durations, depending on their requirements.
This kind of staffing solution gives the employer the flexibility of making a good assessment of the candidates before taking them into their permanent payrolls.
About Us

Headhunting Solutions is a division of Siven Infotech Pvt Ltd., Headquartered in Hyderabad, India. We focus on permanent, flexible, and contract-to-hire staffing solutions at all levels and companies of all sizes, across the world. With our commitment to fitting the right people into roles that bring out the best in them, we deliver manpower whose skills and talents give organizations an edge over their competitors.

Headhunting Solutions has the strong team of committed, motivated people who are focused single-mindedly on customer satisfaction. With a combined experience of more than a few years, and a depth and diversity of knowledge, Team Headhunting offers customers a distinct edge. At Headhunting, we make a promise to our clients - a promise to not only meets, but consistently exceeds their expectations. We are not generalists when it comes to recruiting. We stick to what we know and do it with a great deal of passion, enthusiasm and efficiency.

If you are a client looking to hire the best candidate, then you have come to the right place.

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