Permanent Staffing
Hiring permanent professionals requires additional consideration than simply matching acronyms on a job description with those on a resume.
Flexible Staffing
We provide our clients with skilled manpower on contract for short and long durations, depending on their requirements.
This kind of staffing solution gives the employer the flexibility of making a good assessment of the candidates before taking them into their permanent payrolls.

We also offer Contract-to-Hire services to our clients. In today's competitive market, companies to want have the flexibility to find the right talented professional for their needs. By utilizing our Contract-to-Hire services, our clients are able to experience a "trial period" with the candidate before extending a permanent offer. This gives your company the time to evaluate their experience, knowledge and skills on a temporary basis prior to hiring them into your key positions. Headhunting Solutions works hand-in-hand with our clients to help make the process a smooth transition.

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